The Top Foods To Eat To Clear Out Your Arteries, Fight Cancer & Heal The Body | Dr. William Li

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Each bite of food we eat has the potential to modulate our genetics and impact every cell of the body—don’t you want those levers to be moving in the right direction? Eating for health is one thing, but eating to beat disease is an even more intentional step toward prevention and longevity. I was so excited to sit down with internationally renowned physician, scientist, and author Dr. William Li to discuss how we can leverage food to optimize every system of the body.

We dig into:

How Dr. Li got interested in “Food As Medicine” while developing cancer treatments

Why eating to beat disease is not the same as eating for health

What food would Dr. Li bring with him if he was going to be stuck on an island?

One thing Dr. Li knows everyone needs to do better

Is dairy good or bad?

What’s the deal with soy?

The 5 defense systems to support optimal health and Dr. Li’s 5 x 5 x 5 plan

We talk about this and so much more. I know you’ll love this conversation as much as I did!

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コメント (21)
  • Rate cuts commence in June 2024, taking 6-8 months to complete. A potential crash, if any, might occur by March 2025. The soft landing narrative is gaining traction, making this big recession everyone is calling for less likely. With $1 million from a business sale, I'm seeking profitable investment opportunities for the next 3 years.
  • @MikeCasey311
    I am 87 years old and have had heart arrhythmia since I was 14. It has gotten worse over the years. Six months ago the arrhythmia completely went away. I had read that fluoride in the toothpaste maybe a cause of dementia. For that reason, I stopped using toothpaste with fluorides. Three months later, the heart arrhythmia was gone. This has been verified by my cardiologist. I think it was the toothpaste, but I may be wrong.
  • @chewiewins
    Top foods: coffee, tea, nuts, Brassica (Cruciferous) vegetables, stone fruit (plum, peach etc), berries (Both can be dried fruits), oily fish, soy (natural staple types, not ultra processed), cacao (& powder but less so after made into chocolate with sugar etc, so dark chocolate has more flavenols to stimulate stem cells to repair better), mushrooms (Culinary over medicinal, shiitake and miitake both),  Supplements used to topping off Dr Li takes Omega 3, vitamin D, probiotic specific like lactophillus reuteri (sourdough, Parmesan cheese), akkermansia) Avoid things which trigger inflammation including ultraprocessed snacks (processed soy snacks included).
  • Excellent discussion. Love the format. I am not taking probiotics, will add that. I am a retired physician, physically active and not on any medication. Cook my own food. Strongly believe, you are what you eat.
  • I love Dr. Hyman's interviews. They are so helpful. But it is very frustrating that when he asks a question, he constantly interrupts the answer being given and changes the subject.
  • I’ve been in a less developed country for the last year. Agriculture here never took on the fertilizer and pesticide practices of the West. Animals raised for meat or eggs are not raised with antibiotics. Breads don’t have preservatives. Foods are less processed overall. I’ve lost about 25 pounds in the year I’ve been here and don’t suffer from all the GI tract problems I’ve had for years.
  • @Nina-xv4ie
    I would have loved to hear Dr Li say a few things uninterrupted. It seems every time he would get going on a subject, he would be talked over by the interviewer, and his flow would get disrupted. He would finally get back on track and get swatted off again.
  • @mrslizzen
    The interviwer should give more opportunity to the wise interviewed to speak. The interviewer has lots of knowledge but we'd like to hear what the guest brings to us. Just my opinion
  • @jamee6
    Just a tiny bit of constructive criticism: Dr. Mark, you don't need to finish your guest's sentences ❤.
  • Love Dr. William Li - he has a WEALTH of information, but the conversation was difficult to follow many times due to over-talking, interruptions and laughter ...
  • This is a fabulous conversation! I would add- it's essential what we are learning about stress and our health and wellbeing. The relationships between our brain and microbiome and stress.
  • Truthfully I don’t like social media. I’ve since deleted all my accounts but I keep YT for information like this. I use the internet as a tool not a dependency for sanity.
  • @catrispoli2
    On the contrary I love the collaboration and appreciate both Dr Li and Mark’s contributions. Mark has a wealth of knowledge to share and I’m here for it!
  • Mark, let your guest complete their thought/communication and stop interrupting them.
  • @josmit2945
    Ask your question, then listen. Do not interrupt.
  • @carolined5923
    Mother nature is definitely a great provider. We have everything we need in nature if we only know where to look and this doctor tells us. Great video. Thank you.
  • The rest is history. Made some real stupid decisions and a few good ones. Now I run a small firewood lot that I started oct 2020 just recovering from a fall and a chipped upper cantor hip bone. So after my surgeon advised no surgery was necessary . I heal fast and should be back in the woodlot by may 3 for my 83 birthday
  • It would really help people if you guys put out an actual grocery list of foods including specific brands of some foods, how much to eat, when to the eat them, etc. Sometimes the hardest thing for people to do is simply getting started. What do I stock up on and how can I preserve them (freezing, etc.), how do I prepare certain foods, what supplements are worth consuming,etc.