South Sudan may be heading towards genocide

The nightmare civil war in South Sudan, explained

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Widespread ethnic cleansing, burning villages, looming starvation, and gang rape “so prevalent that it’s become ‘normal.’” This is what UN experts found when they took a 10-day trip to the African country of South Sudan in late November.

Now they’re sounding the alarm, warning that South Sudan, the world’s newest country, is “on the brink of catastrophe” that could rival the horrors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. In that conflict, some 800,000 people were slaughtered in the span of just 100 days while the international community watched, unable or unwilling to stop the bloodshed. Former President Bill Clinton has called his decision not to intervene one of the biggest regrets of his presidency.

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コメント (21)
  • Can't thank you enough for bringing light to these kinds of issues.
  • Why must we always fight against one another because of ethnicity and race?
  • The Great Britain Independence Rule: Dividing countries that don't need a divide and uniting countries that should be divided!
  • @kerin3294
    Control control control, then withdraw and leave a power vacuum and watch the region implode. Why is this pattern so prevalent..?
  • A little fact : President Salva Kiir's iconic black cowboy hat was offered as a gift by George W. Bush.
  • “The world stood by and watched the slaughter of 800,000 people” Sounds about right
  • To all African. Africa have a lot of resources. If you can put aside all of difference between tribes and religions, you can turn Africa into a very wealthy continent.
  • @hijack69
    Good Job Vox. Just 51M more subscribers away from overtaking Pewdiepie
  • >African country with more than one main ethnic group >Peace and unity choose one
  • ahm, i;m sudanese and it is a known fact that the divide between people in the north and south only came after the british colonization. British people used the "divide and conquer" strategy to divide sudan into closed states and separated the education and brohepeted south sudanese from coming into the north. Before that all people were living happily. It seems all the issues came with the white man. to add: the US stood to separate south sudan to promote "democracy", yet where is the US now? Where are they from the war and all people dying?
  • @phx24
    USA: I'mma just pretend I didn't see that . . Any nation: Has oil USA: Y O U W E R E S A Y I N G ?
  • I'll never understand why ethnic groups fight it just doesn't make sense, and that's says alot because I'm from South Africa
  • @paul5475
    South Sudan is like a Child who are in still in elementary that where givin freedom by her parents to live on his own.
  • Anyone else back watching this video after the genocide actually started happening?
  • American ambassador : "the rights of all people to govern themselves bla bla bla" Hawaii : 😀
  • @nb5878
    As a Nuer person, this breaks my heart. I can’t believe so many people are being killed that are the same as me, my family included.
  • @boohwa
    I bet you the UN will still watch this happen. again and again and again-