Can the Dead Primarchs be Resurrected? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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Many Primarchs have been put to rest over the years, but is it possible to revive them into the current setting?

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コメント (21)
  • The twin Primarchs share a soul, so I wouldn't say alpharius is dead, more like Alpharius/Omegon soul is finally in one body
  • In the end ,we all know that the only thing that is truly needed for a primarch's resurrection is GW's sales to go down
  • This basically happened in the lore: Emperor: ferrus? Malcador: yes your dead son Emperor: oh that's right. I should resurrect him sometime Malcador: now? Emperor: lolno.
  • Off topic: What was Angron's relationship with the most likable and friendly primarchs such as Sanguinius and Vulkan?
  • @boartank
    The rate GW is going, our grandchildren would get to read the ending in our stead
  • I’m just hoping the reawakening of more Primarchs means an escalation of events like more of the main Tyranid fleet show up, necrons start amassing in earnest, the Orks somehow break into Tyrazn’s book collection and find the rare first edition Krork(they don’t need to free it they just need to see they aren’t krumpin well enough), etc
  • 5:42 Rogal Dorn is at the Imperial Palace dressed up as the Adorable Centurion to be Big E's personal cuddling blanket.
  • I think Rogal would be the most interesting to bring back, as I think he'd have the strongest reaction to the current Imperium, especially with Guilliman in charge.
  • I assume that GW won't bring back Sanguinius or Dorn for another decade or two - Assuming that GW makes it for that long. They seem hellbent on destroying their IP at the moment by walling it off. Astartes the fan film probably did more to lure new people to 40K then anything GW does, and they put it behind a pay wall.
  • Rogal Dorn can be. He was only dead....... in pretend.
  • Horus's soul was not completely destroyed. While Horus was in the warp, each of the chaos gods took a shard of Horus' soul. Each of them has these shards even now. The shard that Khorne has must fight for eternity with warriors of different times. The shard that Tzeentch has must wander through the crystal labyrinth in order to find an exit. I have no idea what happens to the shards that Slannesh and Nurgel have. And each of these shards thinks that he is the real Horus.
  • Finally, we all know that the only thing that truly needs to happen for a primarch to be resurrected is for GW's sales to plummet.
  • 4:08 Jaghatai Khan is currently at Commorragh where he slays Dark Eldar in droves and drives around in speed like a boss.
  • There's actually a bit of speculation that "Alpharius" is trying to find "Omegon"'s soul half to complete himself, and that he is, in the meantime some variety of loyalist demon prince either mutated into some kind of half hydra half man or something more based in quantum uncertainty "and yet Alpharius dies, and yet Alpharius lives"
  • Sanguinor pointed at something more higher being when it appeared before Dante.. the higher being was Sanguinius who comforted Dante. Sanguinor is probably another little shard of sangy. Primarch's souls are too op, probably contains many shards. Like magnus's souls did split up. Every shard contains different personalities. I hope in future, emperor revives angron with his sympathetic shard intact.
  • I had never heard of this minor warp god theory. I suppose it makes sense. I had wondered how the Emperor made his son's souls. I figured they just generated the normal way, as the bodies of his son's took form. But honestly, yeah that makes a lot of sense. There are probably lots of minor god like warp beings. They can't all be horrid monsters that wanna farm mortal souls.
  • I recently had a theory that if the Imperium discovered(if they haven't already) Isha, they could go on a crusade to the realm of Nurgle, bring her back and make her grant the Emperor new flesh, as well as bring back Sanguinius.... I WAS going to write a story but i've only known 40k for around 3yrs now, and didn't want to get retconned. So yeah just an interesting idea.
  • If Angron got revived we might see a whole new primarch as the revived clone would not have the nails and maybe he wouldn't be an abortion. (if you ignore the fact that the perfect Fulgrim clone had all his memories so the angron clone would too)
  • Does the fact that Vulkan keeps dying mean that he is a weak fighter? Or that he just fights super strong enemies ?