Minecraft's New "Rules" Are Terrible

Today we'll discuss how Minecraft's New "Rules" Are Terrible. This latest update regarding java bans is causing much uproar in the community, especially the anarchy/2b2t community.

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Octopath Traveler

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コメント (20)
    If Mojang forces us to PAY or HOST our own servers, then they need to keep their nose out of who plays on these servers. It needs to be left up to the server owner and the server owner only. No one should ever be banned from online play on Minecraft.
  • “No swearing on my Christian Minecraft server” has now become an actual threat
  • I also like how when you get banned, it doesn't even automatically end your Realms subscription, so if you accidentally forget to cancel it, you're gonna keep paying for something you can't even use. That's a very Micro$oft move as well.
  • Was staying away from public servers as I rather avoid griefers, trolls and aggressive players. Now I'll stay away from public servers for fear of being permabanned for accidentally saying something that might be inappropriate for Timmy's toxically overprotective parents.
  • This is the pinnacle of "don't fix what isn't broken". Private Minecraft servers have been self-moderated for years. There is absolutely no need for Microsoft to police servers that AREN'T theirs.
  • @AntVenom
    Add it to the pile of things that Microsoft have done to Mojang & Minecraft, that show they are entirely out of touch with their community.
  • @Mortomi
    We just need to tf2 them, get a ton of bots and then just make them spam report eachother. Tf2 implemented something similar, and it got so bad they had to remove it. If these are truly manually reported, bots can report faster.
  • There should be a "mature" setting in the server settings, and when turned on, the server is exempt from the reporting feature
  • @elf_bot
    I hope the community throw a huge fit about this - Everyone is tired of internet censorship and taking it into our private minecraft servers is just one more step across the line
  • @SalC1
    Looks like my prediction regarding Microsoft account migration was SPOT ON. You now have to agree to Microsoft's terms, which are VASTLY DIFFERENT from the ones you originally accepted when you made your Mojang account. Most people turned a blind eye to it. Now here we are...
  • If Microsoft touches a product, it's bound to be destroyed and become a shell of what it was.
  • Are we falling into 2nd Minecraft dark age? First the 1.19 disappointment and then now possibly getting false banned. This is not making Minecraft safer,this is actually making it less safe to the average player and adding stress to fun experience’s.
  • The "family friendly" initiative is the worst thing I've ever seen, I hate that notion. It's up to parents and guardians to keep an eye on their kids, forget this stupid report system.
  • This doesn't need to exist. Multiplayer is run entirely by the community and big servers have been refining their systems for literally years. They don't need Microsoft to step in and provide a way for people who don't deserve power to have it over others via the report system. Admins, Moderators, and Helpers do their jobs already. The possibility of permanent or even temporary bans by the whims of other people is ludicrous. The people running their servers should be allowed to be the ones running their servers and not Microsoft.
  • As a bedrock player, this ruins certain aspects of Java. I've always thought of Java as the mature version, and bedrock as the family version. If I had a PC, I'd play Java. It just feels like they're trying to turn it into bedrock.
  • @Mabra51
    Servers should be allowed to choose if they want this "feature" or not and it shouldn't even be on private servers at all. And if someones get banned because of it it should be on that specific server, not all of multiplayer.
  • "Extreme violence or gore." Ah yes, Minecraft. A game that definitely needs moderation for gore which 100% exists in-game.
  • The actual solution would be for parents to flag their child's account as only being able to access moderated servers, but instead let's make everyone behave like villagers. I cannot express the depths of my disgust with this feature so I won't bother.