Billy Connolly - Dwarf on a bus - Live in London 2010

Published 2021-09-10

All Comments (21)
  • We had a dwarf near us . Not the nicest person I've ever met. One day in the supermarket car park, a woman bumped his car with hers. He got out and came around to see the damage . The woman apologised profusely but he said "I'm not happy " she said " well which one are you then"
  • @rayrecordings
    Billy videos should be shown in every hospital of the world. People fighting for their lives would laugh to recover.
  • @arunabhogal2328
    Billy used to pop into my dad's shop near Patrick Glasgow and would always say to my dad...I hope you're paying these weans/ children and he would giggle because he knew my dad never paid us for helping out in the shop after school. Once he bought a box of chocolates and gave them to us. He was always lovely to our dad and my dad enjoyed Billy telling him off
  • I'm a dwarf who actually just got off the bus 20 minutes ago. I much prefer dwarf (the actual fricking English word) to "little person". If someone offers me a seat? Grateful and happy to take it.
  • @thomashogg2341
    My favourite story about being on a Glesga bus. I was up the toon just before Christmas, must have been around 2005 or 2006. I was on the 34 heading for Govan Cross and the bus was on Renfield St. we stop at a bus stop and a young mum, about 30ish gets on with her daughter who would be about 4 or 5. The daughter is wearing a pale blue coat with white fur trim, looking very smart and like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. In her arms she's clutching this HUGE giraffe stuffed toy. So mum gets the tickets sorted and they sit down, mum takes the window seat, little Miss takes the aisle seat, there's no room for the stuffed toy so it's now on it's side in the aisle. The driver checks his mirrors before setting off, sees the giraffe blocking the passage and shouts down the bus " Here hen, ye cannae leave that lyin there", to which Miss Innocence shouts back " Ye f*ckin stupid? It's a f*ckin giraffe, no a f*ckin lion". Took 10 minutes before the driver could stop laughing enough to continue down Renfield Street.
  • @ZippyThePinhead
    "There's a difference between a little person and a dwarf. One is a fuckin' dwarf, and they both know which one it fuckin' is." Priceless!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  • @vk4vsp
    I had a dwarf on my bus a few years ago. When we got to his stop, I pulled up, lowered the bus and opened the door. He walked up to the edge of the bus and jumped. I swear he did it for comedy effect. I hope so, because I nearly wet myself.
  • @vikkihogg
    I’m already in hysterics at him saying ‘please be true’ 😂😂
  • @elfboy05
    As a dwarf myself this the best story to start my day with I have ever had and yes dwarf is correct PC language as we are just dwarfs after all
  • @bencole2714
    I've loved Billy for years, there's not a joke that he tells,that's not funny, Wise up people, laugh + enjoy it all. Laffter makes the world go round. He's not gunna be here much longer, where are ya ever get another comedian like him?
  • This man is one of the most profoundly funny and intelligent men on the planet! Same as George Carlin was.... best of health Billy and thanks for being YOU!
  • @neilio666666
    The greatest comedian ever, also such a lovely guy. I was lucky enough to meet him at Aberdeen airport one Christmas Eve where he was waiting for his daughter’s flight to arrive. I shook his hand and thanked him for a lifetime of laughter. There will never be another like him 😊❤
  • @spellacy29
    Something about Billy. He could stand there and read the phone book and I'd still be totally engrossed in his delivery. Genius 🙂
  • @Munchkin2000
    The world will be a very sad place when Billy finally leaves us! Please Billy, live for eternity!
  • @j0hnn13K
    If this happened anywhere else but in Glasgow, i'd say "i hope its true", but because it in fact did happen in Glasgow, i'm pretty sure it's a true story lol
  • Billy Connolly and Robin Williams are the two funniest men who ever lived. Love the Big Yin.
  • Billy gave a performance in London, Ontario about 10 years ago which my wife and I attended. Billy gave a three hour performance without a break. We never laughed so hard in our lives. Amazing comedian.
  • Some of the best stories are true . I hope this one is true. It's great.