Why You Cant Pick A Game To Play...

Publicado 2024-06-14
Have you ever tried to play a game but couldn't decide what to play. And instead of spending your time enjoying a video game you love, you spend the whole time staring blankly at your steam library. A lot of players have a hard time figuring out what to play, and in the video today I am going to share with you how to overcome this analysis paralysis. Sometimes when we are overwhelmed, tired, stressed, or just exhausted, the challenge of choosing can actually become an event where we put too much pressure on ourselves. It's not that you're getting older, it's not nostalgia, rather it's a part of human psychology. In the video I will talk with you about how to overcome this, how to knock out games in your backlog, and how to put less pressure on yourself. Thanks for watching. #gaming #gamingvideos

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Todos los comentarios (21)
    Thank you all for the overwhelming support on this video, it means a ton. Lots of questions about the games featured in the video as such I will list them here. Again thanks, you're doing great, remember that, keep going! Metro Exodus Gears 5 Metro Last Light Redux Monster Hunter World Doom Eternal Lawbreakers (not easily playable anymore although a fan run revival project called RELB got it working for the first time just a few months ago unofficially) Final Fantasy X StarCraft 2 Mirror's Edge Fallout New Vegas Divinity 2 Elden Ring
  • @notthunderchild
    The problem is, whenever I finally pick a game I wanna play, I boot it up and about a minute into it, I don't feel like playing anymore..
  • @FrogInMyRoom
    im slowly starting to think youtube is reading my mind
  • @drago939393
    Nah, I habitually procrastinate and end up spending hours doing nothing, leading me to go to bed very late, angry at myself and life. Then I wake up late, get even angrier at not having free time as I have to go to work. Then I get home and am very tired, but I feel forced that I NEED to do something otherwise the day is wasted - at this point the cycle repeats. Not only gaming, I want to learn a language, I want to learn to code, I want to exercise, I want to write prose, I want to prepare DnD content... And I end up doing nothing. Feeling empty, pointless and unfulfilled. Angry and bitter. Repeat and repeat.
  • @nighthawk244
    Ive started clearing my backlog in alphabetical order and that has really helped me. It has taken the decision making out of playing games and i feel like ive been having more fun
  • @user-os4lj3pi4q
    I can't pick a game because EVERY DAY my life is full of stress since the last 18 months. So I need something fun that doesn't stress me more...
  • @mozzarellaking
    FOMO is real, and it can really take the fun out of things. Literally just playing a game you really want to play feels so much better than playing the game that everyone else is playing
  • @SimpaticoReal
    I'm not gonna lie, I needed to hear this today. I've been so stressed between losing my job and moving that I haven't had time to properly decompress and enjoy myself with video games. Analysis paralysis is so real and not only was this great advice, it was also a kind-hearted reminder of how important self-care is. I unexpectedly cried a lot over this video, so I just wanted to say thank you and I'm glad you made this. A definite subscribe from me.
  • @SteveLosive
    Thank you man, this really helps because the stress is now just unbearable. It's nice to know that you're not alone and find more people to overcome this issue with.
  • It's because your not in the mood to game but we've programmed ourselves to try and game everyday.
  • @5ex.
    "I can't wait to play later" - then proceeds to procrastinate and doesn't end up playing anything at all and watches videos like this instead
  • @widowmemer
    I was having trouble sleeping even though it's the weekend, I feel so overwhelmed and stressed out about everything. Glad I came across this video, I don't really have anyone I can vent to so this helped a lot.
  • @cmillspa1
    We create our own hell. An endless loop of wanting to game, not having the time to play them all, yet accumulating dozens of games and never being able to pick or commit to one. It echoes our life and how we never have enough time in a day to accomplish the things we’re expected to. All we can do is try to keep our heads above water. My solution for nights where I’m browsing games or movies without picking anything is to simply do something else. Even a nighttime walk. Those can work wonders for my mindset.
  • @zenjihra9889
    and then i play for 10 minutes and realize i dont wanna play even tho i wanna play, its wierd but im so tired and cant enjoy anything and just wanna sleep all day. i wish i wasn't like this but i cant help it. Just so damn tired all the time...
  • @paragon4550
    Thank you so much for this, it's exactly what I needed to hear. I've been going through this issue for quite some time now. most days I come home from work, and look at my steam library just to decide not to play a game and watch youtube instead. There's even times when I will start a new character on a game I love, and then just.. stop playing, and not go back to that character. But honestly, I think you've inspired me to just go with my gut and pick a game and stick with it, so thank you.
  • @Vlad_32
    Thank you BBK, you have no idea how much this simple message spoke to me, I have been watching since middle school when all I did was game while listening to Destiny the Show with 0 pressure on myself. Now I'm 23 graduated college but I constantly feel like a failure or that I am somehow wrong in the way I am and I haven't allowed myself to enjoy the many blessings I have and even worse, that all will be taken away and I will have to start over again. I will try to trully apply this message and stop putting unfair pressure on myself, thank you again.
  • @3Black.1Red
    This might be why algorithmic social media is so appealing: the algorithm choses for you, removing the anxiety of "what if I chose bad?".
  • @DocHuckleberry09
    Dude, idk you, I have never watched your channel, and somehow this video comes up on my feed and I decided to watch it. And… holy shit dude it was like you were talking straight to me and calling out exactly what I was just doing in the moment. I’m sitting here sobbing writing this comment. I needed this, and I didn’t even know I did. Thank you, man.
  • @joemarvel4270
    As a sole income provider for my 3 person family, working full time and barely making ends meet, and having to pull money grom savings just to put food on the table, I needed to hear this. Gaming is where I recharge, and it gets so stressful just trying to force myself to play sometimes, and it just gets to be too much because I'm so hard on myself. The "you're doing great" almost brought me to tears. So from someone you never have, and will probably never meet face to face, thank you.