Mike McVey on 'Eavy Metal

Publicado 2024-06-25
I popped up north to see Mike McVey! We'd been wanting to film this for a little while now, so it was really great to be able to go visit him and hear him talk about his career through GW and 'Eavy Metal, and have a look at some of the guidebooks he produced back then.

These videos were made in my spare time, and if you wish to pop a donation my way to help support me it'd be greatly appreciated:

Paypal: PayPal.Me/Filmdeg

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @neanderthal-
    These videos are so important, for current and future fans of everything Warhammer.
  • @kekela999
    Horus vs the Emperor, this man is a legend for that alone
  • @CaptainNow2
    This guy was a god to me back in the early 90s. I still remember meeting him in 91 (I had gotten to the grand finals of Golden Demon, I still have my little badge!! Sadly I didn't win)...he was very patient with me, very shy. I asked him why he never smiled in his pictures and he said 'I don't like cameras'. He showed me what type of brushes he used so I could improve (Windsor and Newton Series 7). I'll never forget that day, he was sat next to Tim Prow and a few others. I got to chat to Jes Goodwin that day too. I got too close to an original painting because I was studying the brush-stroke only to have Jarvis Johnson bollock me haha, sorry Jarvis if you're reading this. I turn 50 next week and I still read White Dwarf from this era, it's still a part of my life. Thank you for this video, it's an absolute joy to watch
  • I started on my GW journey right at the start of 1987. Hearing McVey and others talk is like rediscovering a beloved book from my childhood.
  • LEGEND. Mike´s work is the reason why I started painting warhammer miniatures in 1992.
  • @boboayame2065
    Mike's HeroQuest miniatures which adorned the sides of the box were my introduction to painted miniatures and remain for me the standard of perfection by which all other paint jobs are judged
  • @samconroy
    This man has probably inspired more people to get into the hobby than anyone else. Absolute lgend!
  • @gavconway8737
    This is the video i've been waiting for. From my perspective as a 13 yr old on the late 80's Mike McVey was Games Workshop. Loved Mike McVeys work in those early WD issues. He set the tone for my own painting and his style still influences me to this day. Cant seem to shake those stripes and checks.
  • @dakkawaaagh13
    mike was hugely influential in my hobby journey, kindly gave me and my friend copies of both of his books around 1996 via his sister who was our pottery teacher at the time. the hours I spent digesting every page of those books still resonate with me today, also learning the names of different horse markings has never let me down 😅
  • Mike was my childhood hero, I used to spend hours just going through white dwarf looking at the models he painted, and I still remember when the Warhammer quest diorama was 1st shown, and it was surreal seeing it in the flesh last year when I went to Warhammer world for the 1st time
  • Right at the end there - "I was always more of a fantasy guy... from reading Lord of the Rings when I was 15..." - and that's my childhood validated in one moment :)
  • @botteu
    If ever I had a personal hero, Mike is that hero ❤ Without the absolute fountain of inspiration that was his work, I don’t think I would have pushed myself to be a better painter (and eventually reaching the goal of winning a Golden Demon). Thank you Mike 🙏
  • @sj_harris
    I was always especially excited to see any and all of Mike’s painted miniatures in WD, he had (and presumably still has) a fabulous aesthetic. For me, the ‘87–90 were the GW years I loved the most, deeply influential. Fun fact: I painted so many miniatures as a teenager, it buggered my eyesight! How anyone could paint figures full-time I can’t imagine! Good on the pro’s
  • @eomat
    I love that Warhammer Quest diorama. Spent ages looking at it in White Dwarf. Mike really is amazing
  • @raxacor
    Mike was my absolute idol when I started the hobby around 88, his work inspired me so much as I tried and tried to get to grip’s with painting miniatures with next to no help or tuition bar a few pamphlets and the odd White Dwarf ….it took me a few years of perseverance and frustration to get to an ok standard, something you can learn on YouTube in a matter of weeks now a days…..then jumping ahead to 1995 I entered Golden Demon for the first time and went home with the Gold for best Warhammer Command Group, it was like a dream, I didn’t think it possible for an average hobbyist like me to come close! ….Part of the prize was a visit to The Nottingham studio where some of my other work was closely inspected by Mike and to have him give such positive feedback was quite overwhelming for my younger starstruck self, if ever there was a case of imposter syndrome it was me that day mingling with some of the greatest creators in GW history😊 The video was very interesting, especially the part where Mike details his career path…..I had no idea he was involved with so many other well known games and companies when he moved on from GW.
  • @mattmorris857
    Still one of my favourite painters. Such a humble and lovely man. I have Mike's painting guides. They are an absolute treasure.