Gender Dysphoria as an Autistic person

A short spiel about my coming to the understanding of my gender dysphoria as an autistic person & of my need to transition from female to male. This video was made as a conference presentation in 2018.

コメント (21)
  • @jlbeeen
    I'm glad I'm figuring this out in my 20s. I do feel some dysphoria, mostly with my chest, but I really felt that point about needing to know who you are. I don't feel any gender. It's like if everyone is a wall made of bricks, I'm missing the brick that says gender. I feel like I'm putting on a costume that says "woman" when I go into the women's washroom, and I didn't realize that wasn't normal until recently. This really helps me have a bit more of an idea how I see things.
  • @bebe7385
    The love and respect you show towards your “previous” life despite holding a “mixed bag” of not feeling whole.. is very powerful.. The sensory issues and disconnect.. thank you for your vulnerability experience and knowledge. Thankfully subscribed. ❤ “I’m not typical” ❤
  • I'm saving this to my watch later because I don't know if I can handle watching this currently but I would really like to at some point. I'm alone and have no one around to ask questions about this kind of stuff especially with the unique way gender identity and autism work together so I think this video would be helpful. It's just scary to think deeply about how I feel on it. One day, if I survive somehow whatever I am, I hope I can have a body that I don't think is gross and I feel represents a truer me. I want to exist and be okay with that, I want to stop trying to make myself smaller in the world. But its hard to battle with internalised transphobia & anti-autism sentiments that I've absorbed from the world I'm in over the years and use to destroy myself by giving my depression more and more ammo. It's nice to see people who can get past that and love themselves. I have so much love, respect, and awe for those people. Didn't mean to rant. Once I let myself think about this type of stuff it's like a floodgate being opened for the first time in years. Anyway, thanks for this video. I hope I can get to a point where watching this, and other videos like it, is less arduous of a thought and that I can get through it all.
  • @dustbowlboy
    rant// im currently on my bed trying on all my girl clothes again to make sure i am in fact not a girl. I dont think i have autism, but i dont have an unferstanding of gender at all. I wasn’t uncomfortable as a girl, one day i just tried crossdressing and decided that was just better. Maybe i cant comprehend how other people percieve me. I dont want to wear these clothes and they make me uncomfortable, but it could be that theyre just not my style. Whenever i think i might like how i look in these clothes, its because i see masculinity in my figure shows through my clothes. I dont understand what gender is, and i dont understand my own. If i dont know, how can i feel assured when i get top surgery?? What if i regret it??
  • @iamharper
    My transition from male to female seemed "needed" or "necessary" too, it's hard to explain but in a way i didn't have a choice in the matter. I am very autistic.
  • @pardalote
    Thanks Wenn! I have never heard such a clear explanation of the trans experience, especially in the mind.
  • Your video helped me feel heard and understood. Thank you so much for sharing. Sending love!
  • @KarolaTea
    Great video! Thank you for sharing your experience and for this very thoughtful explanation! It's great to hear that even if it takes someone quite a long time to find themselves, it's never to late to get "home" :)
  • @Zopicloned
    I was diagnosed at age 20, I'm also diagnosed with gender dysphoria but I haven't medically transition. Actually, I socially detransitioned. I still experience dysphoria. Its a very difficult choice for me, I feel stuck.
  • @Zopicloned
    This is my dillema. I do feel disassociated but it's very hard to figure out to what extent the dysphoria causes it, and the autism. Like you, I've always more aligned socially and psychologically with males in terms of peers. Right now I just think I'm nonbinary.
  • Really helpful video, especially like the concept of you now feeling at home in your body.
  • this is so insightful and well-articulated, thank you so much for sharing wenn
  • @cradica
    I am an autistic cis man, but I have an autistic trans friend, and her symptoms were similar to mine.
  • @cxa24
    Anima/animus is not dysphoria =/ i hope you overcome 'it' (I couldn't)