[Exploratory] Performing "paranormal" operations: Part 7(l): Introducing "telonic memory"

Published 2023-09-11

All Comments (12)
  • @Self-Duality
    Subscribers: I apologize for the re-upload. I noticed an error/disruption in audio. Here are the comments from the first video. If you recognize your comment/response, feel free to re-post it. COMMENT 1: Wow, you're really going deep on this. It's fantastic. I'd love to know what you might think from an extradimensional perspective, knowing the general mathematical framework forming the basis and indeed the "architecture" for what we perceive as reality, through our perceived senses. Source consciousness, or whatever one wishes to call it, can only learn so much, even from the vast vocabulary at its disposal. At some point, this consciousness understands that in order to learn more about itself and about the nature of, say, infinity, it must formulate the basis for a domain that it itself can not mathematically predict. Although source consciousness has infinite, unbounded energy at its disposal, it never uses more energy than it needs. It understands that utilizing energy, frequency and vibration, it can devise an energy-efficient framework to create a projection, along with energy patterns (eventually) that can interface with that projection individually, yet always connected, wirelessly, if you will, to source, as well as to each other. The fundamental mathematical construct for all of "creation," in all its "densities," if you will, lies in the one mathematical progression of growth that is non-repeating. The remainder is simple and logical extrapolation. “That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.” — Hermes Trismegistus, The Emerald Tablet COMMENT 2: Some CTMU discurse but not accurate necessarily It feels is been veryily long time from the perspective of my terminal mind of the human cognitive perceptual syntatic distrabution of experiance of first person perspective of my identity revolving around my current comprehension and awareness of meta-processes happening at a telic recursive level around mathematical metaphysics. In fact when I saw the premiere notification it made me so happy. it good to see activity again Bernard. I hope you have been doing well. my terminaml awarness of reality had me a little worried that something happened to you when the videos stopped and a little worried about your mental well being when you talked about your cousin( although these two worries seem to be temporally separte within my mind and not born of the same line of memory). i have been thinking about you from higher levels of awareness that I am only aware of at certain times of the day and it brings good thoughts of unity. I've been waiting partly in joy and partly in excitment for the coming of another video for what seems like a long time. i might not watch this video but my whole mood switched when i became aware of this video. Although some mental decoherance I have in my 'mental distortive complex' around my social life has distracted me from the overall comprehension of my life of coupling CTMU theory of enlightenment and theory of being as the embodiment of the meta-formal system through a humanities approach of generalizing so-called informal levels of anlysis of art and false notions of selfhood of a so-called 'non-anthropomorphic universe'( it seems to me that the decoherance is from me accepting others who are trying to dominate/control my freedom of cognition for the purposes of minimizing perceptual unification of unity). it seems my mind is aspiring my current level of cognition to attempt to unite art from philosophic non-closure and from informal philosophies of anti-closure of trying to save the domain of art from catalyzing group-level disintergration into stratum levels of perceptual meaning that maximize freedom of elites*(whom have lost touch with self-referential closure of service to others) and minimizes the potential of realizing a globally coherent CTMU metaphysics . I am trying to capture the full meta process but might have missed some perceptually meaningful information that might have beenuseful for others. Much love. RESPONSE TO COMMENT 2: I very much relate to the “mental decoherence” you describe in our attempts to couple our unity-perception with the distractions of social life (and other obligations to the integrity of the terminal domain). But of course, as you are clearly aware, this drama is all the delightful opportunity of our incarnation. This paradox between the meditative/enlightened states and the fiery and confused disorder we experience is precisely the means (catalyst) by which One identifies itself. In technical terms, the “mu-morphic grammar”, etc. etc. In order to understand all the fancy language around the CTMU, I find, all that is needed is to engage with the catalyst provided to the self (by the Self). I am troubled by how you consider decoherence to come from the “acceptance of others who are trying to dominate your freedom”. How can it be that acceptance, a profound act of recognising the awareness shared with another, can behave to remove that which is shared? If we truly identify ourselves with the One, the control one forces upon us, logically speaking, is merely an act of Self upon Self. So is acceptance of these people (who are simply projections of ourselves) not the “yogic” (unified) path?
  • So interesting. Dreams are polymorphous and ambiguous. I can be in a dream where a dream-character is both my mom and my school teacher. This "mixing", superposing, takes me to how the CTMU's chain of analysis unbinds into telesis, this potentiated realm. Object, time, space are fused. Like how the dream-character could be two people at once. It tracks about when you said in your dream that the soccer ball and the dog was just one telonic body complex instantiating one or the other due to choice. So it's like you have two separate things. But you can trace their lineages until you get to their initial undifferentiated bind.
    Thank you! I remember that one year ago I left a comment on your channel asking, “How do I become a member of the council of philosophers?” and I (at the time) didn’t understand your response saying something along the lines of “if you are reading this, you are already a part of it”. Now, looking back, I can see that the instructional material on your channel was a part of my teleological destiny. Thank you for everything. Blessings, Tommy
  • @drink.juice.
    my brother you speak on the ctmu with so much literacy i dont know who other than chris langan himself that has such a solid grasp on the glossary and mechanisms of the metaphysical. you are beautiful
  • @drink.juice.
    honestly i need that on a t shirt so i never forget top down programming, bottom up emergence!
  • @mehmetasma8719
    The ultimate question I wonder is why the ultimate syntactor, G.O.D., has chosen this particular global snytax instead of any other or of none at all.
  • @SomaTv1
    Last year, a couple of months after i discovered your channel, i had a mental FEP (not caused by your channel but your channel featured in some of the delusions that arose from it (lasted about 3 months), i would love to discuss it sometime with you if you ever get the chance, as i find it quite interesting to look back on but hard to figure out how to quantify it in my experience beyond the brain going haywire for a while.
  • "The universe isn't complete." "Teleodynamics." Are you familiar with Terrence Deacon?
  • @michaelmack9168
    response to "RESPONSE COMMENT 2", Isoteque: unedited from before the quality improvement of audio, the only add on is this sentence. hello Isoteque it is nice to meet you, 😇😎 I am grateful for your comment and will try to respond with unity-perception first paragraph responce I have no where near the level of understanding of the CTMU of those who are Theorists of it such as Bernard and Chris Langan. However, I agree that "catalyst provided to the self (by the Self)", so-called 'informal intuitive levels of an epistemic intelligibility criterion' as a logical self-awareness ontic comprehension between local secondary telors and the real universe of G.O.D can be used even if one is not aware of CTMU. Although it is true that from perspective the 'informal intuition of spirituality' does not equal theory of reality from a technical aspect of a truly fundamental ToE from those of acadamia and from those where the cognative perceptual awareness of rationality yearns to meta-categorize cognition-to-cognition for a theory-to-universe mapping such as the CTMU. (what I think I understand) To combine the worlds of many on a meta-formal basis of theorization requires the ultimate framework of no assumptions of the supertautology and meta axioms of the CTMU. (one option I am exploring is creating a general scope articule of CTMU and trying to give it to people not just the West. but we will see what happens in the future) I dont like it when people are playing game theory against me under the guise of helping me for my benefit while they try to steal everything I have. But in these situations i might have to repotentialize my perception to invite people not to play all these gamse of manipulation. so well see if I can give these articles to intellectuals who are unaware of the CTMU on a terminal level. (i am not saying that any person that I have talked about are doing what I am saying. ( i am not doing gossip) Although if I get involved with the 'powerstructure of academia' there will be people like this) Although in the past this was only done informally, now we can have a global theory of deep reality🥰🥰😍 that will cancel out interferential theories and 'mimick theories/philosophies' that are intentionally aimed at separtion of the arrogance of 'secrecy of mystic knowledge' associated with controlling people who 'are too dumb to understand the 'real knowledge of the world'. (although I dont know if all perspective-separation is just a trauma responce of feeling as if oneself is just a material object destined for final termination upon death. I suspect that people who are deeply negative orientated might feel as if they are deeply unified as one being who will control all other beings. I leave this to those who are exploring the option for global healing of Earth and the total population of life here as a healer/teacher/student of compassion and love that I have not embodied yet) second paragraph response (please let me know if I misinterpreted what you are trying to say) (Sentences 1-4)Conceptually I think I understand what you are saying that the perspective of fundamental separation comes from rejecting the 'emotional qulia-aspect' of cognition of others even if negatively inclined towards having* deceit or towards postively for love or being decetiful or being loving. I find myself trying to resolve the perspectival* paradox of unity of one's highest level of identity with myself and with the autonomy of other secondary Telors who have a mental distortion of at least thinking that they are believing in absolute randomity and or absolute determinism when their personhood is telling them otherwise. (sentence 3) Yes, I noticed within myself that when I am in such a state of mind that shines a level of invarience of 'positive orientation' I have been able to put 'unity-glue' to social situations where there is a negative pull for the 'crab bucket mentality'. However, now because of your perspective I agree that even in the most negative situtations I find myself in I shouldn't reject even these negative aspects of experiance and try to ontologize it for the 'One'. I find myself agree with what you said, although we will see if what we can do about it in our own lifes. Much love, Michael🪐😇
  • does the CTMU have a theory for why we experience a certain experience at any time? EG why I am experiencing myself as the entity I currently am?